World Ozone Day 2022

On which day we celebrate Ozone Day? 

We celebrate Ozone Day every year in the month of September. Like every year, this year we will also celebrate Ozone Day on September 16, 2022.

Why do we celebrate Ozone Day 2022?

To protect ozone layer from depleting substances,the UN General Assembly announced on December 19, 1994 that every year on 16 september as ‘International Day for the preservation of the ozone layer’ which is also called world ozone day.

Theme of World Ozone Day 2022

The theme of Ozone Day 2022 is "Global Cooperation to Protect Life on Earth".

You can celebrate World Ozone Day by reducing excess carbon emissions.

How can we celebrate Ozone Day 2022?

About Ozone layer 

Ozone (O3) is a triatomic allotrope of oxygen which is present in our atmosphere in gaseous form.Ozone is present in our atmosphere in a very small proportion (0.00006%), but it absorbs all ultraviolet radiation come from sun, which can damage our skin and leads to causing cancer.

Mainly Chlorofluorocarbon, HCFC, HBFC, halons, methyl bromide, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform are the substances which depleting ozone layer.

Which substances are depleting ozone layers?

The ozone layer protects us from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. So that we do not have a dangerous disease like cancer.

Pure and good ozone layer is mainly found in the stratosphere.

On this day we spread awareness by telling people about ozone depletion. We also make them aware to stop it.