Best ways to stop hair fall and growth healthy hair at home 

Thick Brush Stroke

Rice Water

Rice water is very beneficial for our hair, rice contains many types of fiber and important elements that nourish your hair. Rice water prevent hair fall and helps them to grow.

Almond Hair Oil

Almond oil is not only good for our skin but also for our hair. Massaging the hair daily with almond oil helps in hair fall and helps in growing new hair.

cuts your hair for best result

Hair grows quickly by cutting, so the hair should be cut but should be cut only a little, every eight weeks one inch of your hair should be cut because after the hair is damaged, not only does their growth stop, but it also starts hair fall.

To stop hair fall, use only a wooden comb. Combs should always be large teeth. Hair does not fall by using a wooden comb.

Use Wooden Comb

Use Always Chemical Free Shampoo

It is the work of shampoo to protect and keep hair healthy, so it is important to always choose the right shampoo. Before choosing a shampoo, it should be checked that there is no chemical in the shampoo. Chemical shampoos damage the hair, due to which the hair stops growing and starts falling.

Massaging the hair is very important, by massaging the blood circulation in the hair becomes active again,its growth and fall stops.That's why the hair should be massaged once a day.

 Massage Your Hair

Wrap Hot Towel Over Head

After massaging, wrap your hair with a warm towel, doing this nourishes the hair and stops their fall.

Apply oil to the lower part of the hair

If you want to grow hair, then apply oil in the lower part of the hair every night before sleeping, by doing this nourish the growing part of the hair and they remain healthy.